Busy, Busy, Busy!
It’s been a busy few weeks since I last posted about the release of Six Days, the new audiobook I narrated for Kelli Owen (buy your copy today!). I’ve been working hard on two projects while fending off, and eventually losing to, a summer cold.
While the scratchy vocals might have slightly delayed my recording schedule it did give me a chance to get ahead on my editing, and last night I was able to hit the “I’m Finished” button on ACX for Natalie Vivien’s lesfic The Ghost of a Chance. It’s a corker of a tale and I have to give you a warning – it will make you cry. But it’s so good! So keep an eye out for that on the proverbial shelves soon and download your copy.
I’m having an absolute blast recording the audio for Unbroken, the hotly anticipated follow up to the best seller Unmasked by EM Kaplan. The sequel follows Mel’s journey to return her dear friend Rav to her sisters. It’s a little bit fantasy, a little bit steam punk, and a lot a bit awesome – and I’m not afraid to say that I’m totally shipping Jaine and Marget. Recording is almost wrapped on this one and it too will be available for download soon.
I’ve also signed a contract to narrate Devour, a zombie apocalypse novel by RL Blaylock that I’m really excited about. Zombie stories are a guilty pleasure of mine so I jumped at the opportunity to get involved with this project. Recording will start in September and will hopefully be released October ish.
I’ve also been super busy with my Embrace Network duties, and we’ve done some great work this summer – my personal highlight being my first Pride march ever through the streets of London! I even got to meet the rather lovely Kristian Nairn (Hodor from Game of Thrones) at a charity event we organised in Belfast – and I totally fan girled because why shouldn’t I?
I was informed yesterday that I’d been nominated to appear on the OUTstanding & Financial Time’s 2017 LGBT Future Leaders List, which is an absolute huge honour to even be thought of. I’ve always been passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion so to even be considered for this is sincerely humbling.
This weekend I am taking a short break from recording, editing, Networking and social media to go camping in Wales with my lovely wife and recharge our batteries. I am sure we will return full of beans and ready to rock – watch out world!