May is almost over!
I'm not entirely sure where this year has gone, I can't believe it's nearly June already!
Things have been busy in my non audiobook life with a new role at my company, joining the board of a local LGBTQ+ charity, and travelling around the UK talking about the experience of being "in the closet" in the military, and the effect that had on me. I was also interviewed for DIVA magazine, and the article should be out next month!
I even had the absolute privilege of attending the 2018 British LGBT Awards on behalf of my employer and nearly got to walk down the red carpet before they realised I wasn't a celeb and made me go through the side entrance. I wasn't even mad though, there were so many great people there that I spent the whole night chatting. And SUE BLOODY PERKINS was there, along with another fav of mine, SANDY TOKSVIG. I had a blast, but a bit too much wine so was a tad delicate the next day.
Just as I was about to get back into the booth I was hit with a severe upper respiratory infection, laryngitis (my voice disappeared!) and a cluster of migraines all in the same week. I'm slowly recovering now, and the doctor says my voice should return to normal in about 3 weeks. So I'm using my enforced (extended) vacation from the booth to do some audiobook tasks.
In nerdy news, I invested in some additional acoustic foam to improve my raw sound in the booth (I have to assume it sounds better since I currently can't speak loud enough to really test it!). I also invested in an iPad and their magic pencil which is making the task of prepping my next manuscripts SO MUCH NICER! I'm hoping that the notes I'm able to add now will speed me up in the booth and improve the performance at the same time, so it's a win win!
In audiobook news, I've got two more books lined up - another absolute cracker from Bridget Essex called The Wolf Diaries, and an intriguing (and kind of terrifying!) crime thriller from Barbara Winkes, The Amnesia Project. I'm super excited about both of these - and there's a third potential book on the horizon but it's waiting approval from a publisher before I can announce it. I am so pleased with my decision to focus on diverse LGBTQ+fiction this year, I really feel like I'm contributing to better representation of our community in the audiobook world.
Ok, time for me to have another hot drink and rest on the couch. I'll never admit to this, but I'm SO TIRED of resting already. I'm looking forward to going back to work next week!