Zombies and Lesfic, Oh My!
I'm winding down on Unbroken, just rolling the files through my mastering stack and uploading them now so that little baby should be hitting the shelves soon. Keep an eye out y'all, it's good!
And just in time for the season 8 of The Walking Dead, I'm prepping my next project, Devour - a zombie apocalypse novel set in my adopted home state of Missouri! I've finished my first read and absolutely LOVED it, so I'm looking forward to performing this one on the booth. And I can probably even convince Mrs Wifey that watching TWD is part of my process for this one as well!
Huge fans of lesfic (like me!) will be excited to know that I can now confirm I've signed the contract on another Natalie Vivien novel after the success of our first collab, Ghost of a Chance. I'll be finishing Cross My Heart around Christmas time, so depending on Audible's working hours over the holidays i will be out end of December / early January 2018.
I've joined a second gym in town that's focused on strength training, so Mrs Wifey and I are going together twice a week and lifting up heavy things, then putting them back down. I'm still doing cardio in my office gym 3 times a week, but I can already see the difference lifting weights with another person is making - my shoulders are looking HOT!
And in the world of my day job, I'm starting a new role in my company this week so I'm really excited!
So basically it's all go in the Richards household - and I'm still finding time to listen to audiobook in the gym!